NY Tractor Parts are a family business providing quality tractor parts both locally and internationally.

The company came to Ings Design requiring a brand refresh, as well as a new logo for NY Tractor Parts and their sub-brand, Power Trac, that provides high quality, premium tractor parts.

We created a more streamlined, modern version of the NY Tractor Parts logo, which maintained similar characteristics from the original design and a similar colour scheme to ensure it was recognisable to their existing customer base.


Brand Design

Logo Design


The chosen font was Brandon Grotesque for its functional but warm look, which was fitting for a professional but friendly family business. Its geometric forms have been optically corrected for better legibility. The small x-height and the restrained forms lend it a distinctive elegance. The Brandon Grotesque weights are also good performers in display sizes.


The sub-brand incorporated the same brand colours and type face. However, in order to present the brand as delivering higher quality and faster performance, the font was italicised and the arrowed/chevron style tyre track marks give a feeling of direction, speed and performance.